When I use my computer, my cat runs up to the power strip, looks at me in the eyes, and hits the power switch, turning everything off. She does this quite often.

In 8th grade I made a bet with my bestfriend. I had to date my math teacher's daughter. Next month we are celebrating our 10th anniversary.

Last week I was sitting at the mall food court, wearing a "Blink If You Want Me" shirt. A guy walked by, saw my shirt, and made a point of holding a staring contest with me before moving on.

One time, I went to the doctors because I was having morning sickness and I thought I was pregnant. When I finally went to the doctor he told me I was pregnant with a big smile. I was really happy, but then he quickly said "no I'm just kidding, you just have a stomach bug."

When I was 11 I was starting to lose faith in santa's existence so to convince me he was real my dad dressed up like him and made a lot of noise Christmas night. I went out to see what all the commotion was and saw an obvious impostor, so I snuck back to my room, grabbed my pellet gun, and called the police. Inevitably i shot my dad about 40 times and got a swat team response.

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